FRIM Canopy Walkway

When the name ‘Kuala Lumpur’ is mentioned, one would commonly think of a modern metropolis where Malaysian city life thrives at its finest. Rarely would anybody relate KL to tropical rain forests or anything relating to nature in fact; something Malaysia takes pride in. However, little do many tourists and even locals know that should they want to catch a glimpse of the country’s tropical beauty while in KL, one fine example exists not too far away.

Located in Kepong, the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) is a government based forest reserve which has been around since before Malaysia gained independence in 1957. It is a government agency which is responsible for biological, botanical and other scientific research and development pertaining to the preservation of Malaysian rain forests. However, despite being a center for forestry-based research and education, FRIM also opens its doors to visitors who want to experience firsthand, what it is like to be in a Malaysian tropical rain forest without traveling too far from the city.

frim jungle path

FRIM is quite simply a capsule of natural beauty which spans across almost 500 acres of land. Centered within a lush forest reserve, FRIM is also home to the Kepong Botanical Gardens which offers visitors a wonderful landscape to absorb on top of being a research area for botany and horticulture. This garden alongside the Ethno-botanic garden which exhibits local plants used as traditional medicine such as tongkat ali, are perfect for visitors with a green finger or simply those who love nature or plants to be specific.

However, FRIM is more than just a place of nature for visitors to look and see; it caters to the adventurous and outgoing as well. There is an array of nature trails for enthusiasts to go jungle trekking within the forest reserves that surround the establishment. These trails encompass plantations, wetlands and hills among others and most of these paths and the nature that surround them have existed as far back as the 1930s. In weekends and during public holidays you will notice many sports, especially mountain-bike enthusiasts. During our visit at Labor Day, we say many hundreds of semi-professional bike riders having the time of their lives at FRIM.

frim mountainbikes

FRIM picnic area

FRIM also provides camping and picnic areas for casual recreation within its forested compounds. To get there you don’t even have to walk far, as the picnic area is located at the end of the main road (along Jalan Foxworthy) and right in front there is a parking, some restaurants and even a restroom.

frim local restaurant

The picnic area is located right along a nice waterfall, where you can also relax in one of the pools of water. At weekends and during public holidays it can be quite crowded at this area of FRIM, with many local families enjoying a BBQ and escaping the heat of Kuala Lumpur. It is possible to walk from the picnic area to the Canopy Walkway up the hill, but it’s a pretty steep hike. If you’re in ok condition it will take you no more than 15 minutes to reach the Canopy Walkway from the picnic area.

frim picnic area

frim people enjoying a bbq

FRIM Canopy Walkway

The highlight of FRIM that no visitor should miss is its canopy walkway. It is a 150mtr long walkway that is built 30m above ground level.

Originally built for its researchers and scientists to study above-ground flora and fauna more effectively, this walkway is opened to public whereby visitors will literally feel like they are hovering above the forest grounds, taking in views and landscapes that is unbeknown to the eye at ground level. You can even see a glimpse of Kuala Lumpur’s skyline if the skies are clear. The idea of walking at ‘tree level’ may be disorienting to some at first but it is certainly a spectacle that should not be missed out on.

frim canopy walkway 1

frim canopy walkway 2

frim canopy walkway 3

frim canopy walkway 4

frim canopy walkway 5

frim canopy walkway 6

frim canopy walkway 7

frim canopy walkway 8

There is a daily limit of 250 people that may enter the Canopy Walkway. Costs are RM10 for foreigners and RM5 for Malaysians. Tickets can be bought at ground level at the One Stop Centre (D5). Keep in mind that the attraction is opened daily from 9.30pm until 2.30pm and the last entry is at 1.30pm. The Canopy Walkway will be closed to public during heavy rainfall, usually it opens 2 hours after it stopped raining.

frim one stop centre

There are two ways to get to the Canopy Walkway. The easiest (but longest) route is to follow the ‘Rover Track’ up the hill and after a while you will see a clear sign with directions to the Canopy Walk. The last part is quite steep and brings you to the starting point. You can also drive up to the picnic area and park your car there. The walk up the hill is shorter, but much steeper.

frim start rover trail

map frim canopy walkway

Best time to visit FRIM

The best time of the day to visit FRIM is in the early morning as it usually still is cooler at the forest. After a rainy night you need to be aware of leeches that might crawl onto your feet and legs. Leeches do not do any harm, after they are filled with blood they will fall off automatically. During weekends and public holidays it can be quite crowded at FRIM, as many use those days to escape the city for a few hours.

Entrance fees FRIM

FRIM’s beautiful grounds are open to public and only at a minimal fee. Basic entry costs RM1 for Malaysian citizens and students while non-citizens have to pay RM5 for entrance. There are additional charges should visitors want to bring their vehicles into the compounds such as bicycles, motorcycles or cars. Payment is done at the main entrance. Entry to the Kepong botanical gardens is separate but the fees are identical. A fee of RM5 is charged for every SLR camera brought into the compounds by visitors. FRIM’s famed canopy walkway is opened from 9.30pm until 2.30pm whereby the last entry is at 1.30pm. The fees for visitors to board the canopy walkway are RM10 for Non-Malaysian adults, RM5 for Malaysian adults, RM3 for students aged 13 and above and RM1 for children aged 7-12 years old. For safety precautions, the canopy walkway may be closed for service should there be bad weather such as heavy rains or thunderstorms. For visiting groups that are interested, FRIM also provides nature guides at a cost of RM120 per group (RM200 at night) and these guides will ensure safety as well as provide nature briefings to the visitors.

frim main entrance

How to get to FRIM

FRIM is located along the Selayang-Kepong Highway, about 30/45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur City Center. Once you are nearing FRIM, you will see the clear (green/yellow) signs to lead you to the Forest entrance. You can also use public transport to FRIM, just get off at KTM Komuter station Kepong and from there you will take a taxi to the forest entrance. Do know that there are almost no taxis at the forest, so it might be difficult to get back to KL (you could ask the people at the One Stop Centre to order a taxi for you). If you are considering an organized day tour to explore the area around Kuala Lumpur, a visit to FRIM can be easily combined with a visit to the Batu Caves and even with a visit to Kuala Selangor (fireflies).

frim entrance sign

FRIM Opening hours

FRIM is opened daily 5am to 7.30pm. Tickets for the Canopy Walkway can be bought from 8 am onwards. Check out the official FRIM website for details on all the activities that are possible in FRIM.



Got any good tips to share with us? Do you know of any great things to do in Kuala Lumpur, or tips on the best places to eat? Let us know by leaving a reply below!

8 comments on FRIM Canopy Walkway

  1. Mareike
    10 years ago
    April 25, 2015 at 11:14 am

    My friends and I (3-5people) would like to go to FRIM tomorrow and do the rainforest walk. Do we have to book anything already? And what’s the best and cheapest way to get there? We live near pasar seni station…

    Thank you for your Information!

    Cheers, Mareike

    • Ilya
      10 years ago
      April 28, 2015 at 1:34 pm

      Hi Mareike,

      Did you already go? Bookings are not needed, The best way to get there is by (rental) car. It is easy to find a taxi from KLCC or other areas in Kuala Lumpur, but finding a taxi upon return may prove difficult. Perhaps you can try a taxi service…or arrange a pickup at a certain time?

  2. Baira
    9 years ago
    November 16, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    Hello there. Is it possible if we want to camp there?

  3. Lee
    9 years ago
    December 15, 2015 at 4:15 am

    got bicycle rental??

  4. An Nee
    8 years ago
    April 3, 2017 at 6:44 am

    KENYATAAN UMUM FRIM – 25 Mac 2017


    Kepong – Titian Kanopi di Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM) yang merupakan salah satu tarikan paling popular dalam kalangan pengunjung tempatan mahu pun pelancong dari luar negara akan ditutup mulai 30 Jun 2017.

    Walau bagaimanapun, FRIM merancang untuk membina Titian Kanopi yang baru dalam masa tiga hingga lima tahun.

    Pengumuman ini dibuat oleh Ketua Pengarah, YBhg. Dato’ Dr Abd Latif Mohmod, dalam ucapannya di Majlis Perasmian Hari Hutan Antarabangsa (IDF) 2017 Peringkat FRIM di kampus utama FRIM, Kepong, pagi tadi.

    “Titian Kanopi FRIM ini merupakan salah satu tarikan ekopelancongan utama FRIM semenjak 25 tahun yang lalu. Berikutan kejadian hujan ribut pada penghujung 2015, akses ke titian kanopi ini telah dibuka dan ditutup beberapa kali bagi tujuan penyelenggaraan dan penilaian keselamatan,” kata beliau.

    Abd Latif berkata laluan ini memerlukan masa yang lama untuk regeneration atau pemulihan. Selain itu, pokok-pokok sokongan titian kanopi ini juga tidak sihat dan berisiko untuk menampung beban struktur titian; ditambah dengan beban pengunjung.

    “Kita berhasrat untuk membangunkan titian kanopi yang baru dalam masa beberapa tahun ini. Sebarang perkembangan akan diumumkan dari semasa ke semasa,” katanya.

    Tambah beliau, FRIM sedang berusaha mendapatkan peruntukan sebanyak RM3.5 juta untuk membina satu sistem titian yang diperbuat daripada kerangka aluminum. Sistem ini dijamin lebih selamat dan kurang memberi impak negatif terhadap pokok dan alam sekitar.

    Sambutan IDF2017 peringkat antarabangsa bertemakan ‘Forests and Energy’ (Hutan dan Tenaga). Ini adalah kerana kayu merupakan sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui yang paling utama; serta menyumbang kira-kira 45 peratus bekalan tenaga di peringkat global. Tema ini menekankan kepentingan tenaga ini dalam memperbaiki kehidupan rakyat, menjana pembangunan mampan (global green economy) dan mengurangkan kesan perubahan iklim.

    FRIM mengambil pendekatan berbeza dengan memilih “Semarakkan dengan Cinta” sebagai tema dengan mendefinasikan tenaga bukan sebagai bahan api tetapi tenaga dalam setiap insan yang menzahirkan rasa cinta. Tema ini juga mencerminkan kepentingan tenaga yang dirasai ketika berada di dalam hutan dan dikelilingi pokok-pokok sebagai “kuasa kehidupan” sepertimana yang sering diperkatakan oleh kebanyakan budaya lama dunia.

    Tujuan Sambutan IDF2017 Peringkat FRIM adalah untuk menggalakkan penanaman pokok bagi penyembuhan, memperingati peristiwa penting, bagi penghijauan dan penyejukan bumi, menyediakan makanan untuk hidupan liar, serta sebagai perbuatan yang mulia atau luahan rasa sayang.

    Sambutan ini juga memberi peluang kepada seisi keluarga untuk berkumpul dan bersama-sama menikmati keindahan alam semula jadi, selain daripada membolehkan masyarakat setempat melibatkan diri dalam usaha penjagaan FRIM sebagai Warisan Semula Jadi, Warisan Kebangsaan dan bakal Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO.

    FRIM telah mengadakan aktiviti menanam pokok kenangan (commemorative tree planting) untuk penyertaan umum. Antara lain, FRIM juga melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti seperti ‘Love My Accessory’ iaitu pertandingan untuk kanak-kanak menggubah bunga, daun, ranting dan rumput bagi menghasilkan aksesori fesyen; ‘Love My Trees’, aktiviti pengenalan pokok bagi meningkatkan kesedaran serta kemahiran perserta dalam pengecaman pokok-pokok Diterokarpa yang merupakan komponen utama hutan hujan tropika; dan ‘Love My Photos’ iaitu pameran gambar-gambar penyertaan Pertandingan Fotografi FRIM 2016.

    Dikeluarkan oleh Unit Komunikasi Korporat (CCU) FRIM. Untuk sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi Pusat Informasi Pelawat: 03-6279 7592 / 7677.

    • Ismail bin Mohd Tahir
      4 years ago
      April 6, 2021 at 5:50 am

      Adakah Frim Canopy Walk telah dibuka sekarang?

  5. Lyn
    8 years ago
    April 6, 2017 at 4:03 am

    hi. Do they allow kids 4-6 years old at the canopy walk? can kids go trailing around?

  6. venki
    8 years ago
    July 23, 2017 at 7:28 am

    Canopy walkway is closed from june 30 2017. now no more canopy walkway


7 Pingbacks & Trackbacks on FRIM Canopy Walkway

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    12 years ago
    May 27, 2013 at 5:57 am

    […] Photo Source: […]

  2. Rain forest and Mosque | Geof & Lida's World Trip
    9 years ago
    March 7, 2016 at 11:49 pm

    […] We took Saro to her office, and then Jan and ourselves drove to the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), where there is a canopy walkway so that you can walk close to the tops of the trees, some of which are 60 metres high. Probably, fortunately, (as neither Lida or I fancied going up that high), there had been a bad storm sometime ago which had damaged the walkway, so it was closed. I have added some pictures from Google and here’s a web site: […]

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  6. […] 跟着 Waze 来到了 FRIM 的入口处, 映入眼眶的是一片片的森林~ 我们去的时候, 那里的工作人员竟然说地图没完了, 没有地图可以给我们~ 但是里面真的是太大了, 没有地图的话, 很容易就迷路了~ 如果你们和我们一样这么不幸运的话, 记得在入口处那里拍下贴在那里的地图, 又或者是直接在网站上把那个地图照片下载~ 我是在这个网站下载那个地图的~ […]

  7. theadventurousbug
    7 years ago
    September 12, 2017 at 6:44 pm

    […] and obviously looks like it isn’t there at all. We were also given free tickets for the FRIM Canopy Walk which are near the tower. They were fun as the surroundings were very lush and […]


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